Allen Ginsberg-styled poetic rant – a poem

Fellow comrades and like-minded freedom fighters,

I hereby proclaim democracy – that once upon a time

genius ideology of great aeons past – 

dead as we know it;

The illusion of democracy, on the other hand,

is well and truly alive and kicking!

Pour me another drink with a side of Caucasian privilege

as yet one more Imperialist bomb

falls in Gaza under old false pretexts;

Hand me another cigarette with extra numbing capacities

as yet one more child’s future is taken away

from under their small feet

as a fresh, new lie is fabricated in the endless propaganda

towards this media-backed form of genocide!

Play that music louder

so that the wails and screams of innocent children

being carried in their father’s arms is silenced,

too young to be labelled a terrorist just yet,

but somehow made to suffer

for their forefather’s alleged sins.

We – a word that seems long forgotten –

as a human race have lost any form of power or agency,

as the general faith in unbiased information outlets withers,

along with our say at the grown-up’s table!

Almost better off bringing us back

to the rotten, dark days of narcissistic royals and aristocrats

when at least we knew the faces of the bastards screwing us over!

And yet life, that complex form of

business as usual carries on unfazed

as the soccer mum complains to her friend about

the lack of volume in her $300 haircut,

unfazed by how her husband’s hardly earned executive salary’s tax

is used to help fund another holily unsacred massacre

in a dance of political interests based on false prophets, staged coups

and a shroud of never-ending smoking mirrors!

To quote Sun Tzu,

‘All warfare is based on deception.’

But fear not, enlightened one,

for the dust of Gaza will not settle

until the people have retaken what’s theirs by right:

the right to live their lives as a free people!

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